So I’m still having problems with the whole photo situation, my memory card got a virus from the awful computers here and I lost all the data, I’m currently in the process of recovering the data but it’s not promising.
So this week our zone put a goal of 20 baptisms this month, that’s very very high considering we have 9 fechas for this month but we are trying. Our sector has been pulling its weight, 3 baptisms last month, 3 for this month, that’s more than the norm so we are good but the ZLs are pushing us to make up the difference because others arn’t doing so hot and that’s just hard and stressful. Whatever, I don’t feel bad at all for the work we have done.
So this week we are hearing an apostle this week, I'll obviously be more specific later (after we hear from him) I just don’t want to be too specific in the case that we don’t hear from him or just for plain old security reasons, but I’m excited!
We may be moving a fecha back a week from the 19th because we are having some permission problems.
Oh we received a call from Elders in Los Angeles and they gave us a reference of a girl named Evelyn and so we called her and she went to church without us even meeting her. Just goes to show you, references from members are a million times better then the contacting we do every day, so give a reference if you can, because at least it’s a place for the elders to attempt.
So I have a friend here in my sector that loves Paramore and he says they have 3 news songs?!? Please tell me if they are good. And I told him to look up Cartel and tell me what he thinks and he said they have a new EP. Andrew please please please tell me how they are. Another Elder from Mexico got an email from his dad saying the Cardinals won the World Series against the Rangers. Dad, what happened with that information? Ha-ha How did the Braves do?
So yes that font mishap became very funny for me and the branch president to talk about but then it turned bad because someone forgot to drain the font after the baptism and it instantly became my fault so that wasn’t very good. But still, I baptized a whole church! Andrew did you ever do that, nope didn’t think so! Ha-ha Yah that is one of those stories I’m going to love when I come home.
So Elder Gibbs (my 2nd companion) goes home on the 22nd, it’s crazy, all the people that have Miles´ Monson’s time are my best friends, man that’s weird how that worked out. I don’t want them to leave; they seem so much older than me. Man he must be excited, oh and Cory!!! When does he come home??? I miss him
So my companion gets huge packages from his mom in Santiago and they are just candy. We have been eating so much its ridiculous! And it’s like the box is never ending! He keeps saying in his old house (4 missionaries) it would be gone in like 5 days. ha-ha oh well guess I’m more polite, ha-ha
but yah that’s that, Mom I did that photo bucket so you can download the pics, Trevor can show you how, I love you all so so so much
Elder Kyle Allen
So this week our zone put a goal of 20 baptisms this month, that’s very very high considering we have 9 fechas for this month but we are trying. Our sector has been pulling its weight, 3 baptisms last month, 3 for this month, that’s more than the norm so we are good but the ZLs are pushing us to make up the difference because others arn’t doing so hot and that’s just hard and stressful. Whatever, I don’t feel bad at all for the work we have done.
So this week we are hearing an apostle this week, I'll obviously be more specific later (after we hear from him) I just don’t want to be too specific in the case that we don’t hear from him or just for plain old security reasons, but I’m excited!
We may be moving a fecha back a week from the 19th because we are having some permission problems.
Oh we received a call from Elders in Los Angeles and they gave us a reference of a girl named Evelyn and so we called her and she went to church without us even meeting her. Just goes to show you, references from members are a million times better then the contacting we do every day, so give a reference if you can, because at least it’s a place for the elders to attempt.
So I have a friend here in my sector that loves Paramore and he says they have 3 news songs?!? Please tell me if they are good. And I told him to look up Cartel and tell me what he thinks and he said they have a new EP. Andrew please please please tell me how they are. Another Elder from Mexico got an email from his dad saying the Cardinals won the World Series against the Rangers. Dad, what happened with that information? Ha-ha How did the Braves do?
So yes that font mishap became very funny for me and the branch president to talk about but then it turned bad because someone forgot to drain the font after the baptism and it instantly became my fault so that wasn’t very good. But still, I baptized a whole church! Andrew did you ever do that, nope didn’t think so! Ha-ha Yah that is one of those stories I’m going to love when I come home.
So Elder Gibbs (my 2nd companion) goes home on the 22nd, it’s crazy, all the people that have Miles´ Monson’s time are my best friends, man that’s weird how that worked out. I don’t want them to leave; they seem so much older than me. Man he must be excited, oh and Cory!!! When does he come home??? I miss him
So my companion gets huge packages from his mom in Santiago and they are just candy. We have been eating so much its ridiculous! And it’s like the box is never ending! He keeps saying in his old house (4 missionaries) it would be gone in like 5 days. ha-ha oh well guess I’m more polite, ha-ha
but yah that’s that, Mom I did that photo bucket so you can download the pics, Trevor can show you how, I love you all so so so much
Elder Kyle Allen
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