Friday, June 24, 2011

June 20, 2011

Well here I am, again, writing an email, do I sound sad? Well I’m NOT SAD because I’m sitting on a computer and writing. How can that ever be bad? I don’t get how some people don’t like doing internet, they are crazy!

I absolutely love the picture of Tillie, I might find a way to print that out and put that in my picture book. Speaking of which, happy late father’s day! Sorry I couldn’t say anything yesterday, but I hope you understand, I wasn’t exactly allowed to, so I didn’t, ha-ha.

So this week we had a normal week, worked a lot and got an 18year old to go to church with us, her name is Betsábe (which means Bathsheba in Spanish, ha-ha) but yah she accepted a fecha for baptism next month so she is great. We have 2 more baptisms this week, Monica and Alejandro. They have been tough ones to work with so the fact that they have not backed out yet is huge! Ha-ha but yah they should be baptized Saturday which is really exciting, all this work that I and Elder Jackson did is finally paying off, sadly not while Elder Jackson was here to see it.

Grandma and Grandpa I hear the wii is fun, that’s great! Enjoy doing the activity without actually doing it, ha-ha, just kidding.

I think the mine will be opening soon for people to visit it, hopefully, so we want to go to that for sure on a P day.

This week is the big conference for President and Sister Swenson, so we will be saying goodbye to them, that will be so tough and sad. I will miss them for sure!!!

So today we cleaned the apartment crazy good. I cleaned the kitchen and it looks sooo good! Well, for a missionary apartment in Chile at least. Ha-ha I now have a strange liking for cleaning dishes, with a sponge and soap, is that weird? Great, the cold water is getting to me!

We had some good completos today, dad you would love them, it’s a hotdog with chopped up tomatoes and palta (mashed avocado with a little of salt and lemon juice) and then mayo but I get it without that, obviously. They are really good and only 950 pesos, well, that does add up so I shouldnt say that, ha-ha.

I hope that all is well at home, Andrew enjoy the full day’s work, Trevor, the rapids! Family: the talk of Hayden Davis! And ask him if he got my letter before he left, I hope it made it to him in time!
Hello to Elder Erik Hansen. 

OH OH  and thanks for the email Tracie and Hilary!

Well I love you all, keep safe and enjoy yourselves
Love Elder Kyle Allen

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